Wednesday 28 November 2012

Tight-rope walking

I'm just about to deliver my Christmas lecture on Sensational Science where I challenge the notion that we have only five senses. While killing time in Saltburn, I came across a book called "Mirette on the High Wire" by Emily McCully. It was awarded the Caldecott Medal in the US and so I had to buy it. It's the short tale of a tight-rope walker, who's lost his nerve, and a young girl. It ties in beautifully with talking about our sense of balance which is an additional one to the supposed "five" and an added sensory function of our ears.
Putnam (1992) ISBN 0-399-22130-1

I'll blog more about the senses after I've delivered my lecture. It'll be something to look over during the festive season.

Here's a photo of a useful teaching toy - my balancing eagle. 

A balancing eagle - my poor photo
And this is what you can do for balance with Pivot Stick Figure ( a free download):-

I think I made this  - looks amateurish enough to be mine

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