Thursday 15 November 2012

National STEM Centre - York

I visited the National STEM Centre in York today. There were two reasons for my trip. One was to drop off some of my book/resource collection for their archive. They've already taken some 12 boxes and 10 carrier bags of resources off my hands. They'll eventually get everything when I stop trying to make a living as an educational consultant. The second reason was to discuss with their Primary person my Christmas Lecture and to have a look at their library and resource bank.

Whatever stage your teaching is at, I can highly recommend being added to their mailing lists and searching their archive for support materials. I am definitely going to get involved on-line with their Primary Group. A personal visit should also be added to your list of "to dos" if possible. Staff were just as you'd hope, enthusiastic, understanding and knowledgeable and they are amassing a large and comprehensive set of resources to support teachers.

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