Thursday 22 November 2012

Animation Club - First Meeting

The children and I both turned up ready to get going. A quick chat and then on with it.
Not quite! The PCs were being upgraded so we had to use the laptops. They took an age to boot, some just died, but we did get PowerPoint loaded and started to animate.
Two stumbling blocks. The resources were on my hard drive and I couldn't get them onto the school's system. Secondly, I've been using PowerPoint 2010, the school uses 2003.
The children were fantastic. They applauded my example, were supportive of each other and very patient. By the next time we meet, we'll have the PCs purring and the resources (anim gifs, backgrounds, props, characters and sound effects) in place. 

Our theme is going to be Superhero Saves Christmas. What super-power will their hero have? What tragedy will they turn on its head?
My basic storyboard is below.
My  try at animation in ppt as an anim gif
Just out of interest, when we were at the Wellcome Museum last weekend, I noticed they had a section about Superheroes or rather making humans super. How do you really give humans superior strength and senses? Visit their website for some ideas and information.

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