Monday 26 November 2012

Landscapes - a hands on day

Today I braved the floods to support an event in Saltburn. I was drafted in to record the activities undertaken during the day. I spent the first hour or more in a flustered state, having found that my camera's battery was not half charged as I thought but one third charged. Using the flash rapidly exhausted the battery and I would have been floundering but for my iPad

Felt-making - SLR photo
Pupils were introduced to a variety of crafty ways to show off their local landscape - sea, beach, cliffs, fields, pier etc. Felt-making went down very well followed by proggy mats and wool-winding. The event was for parents/carers and their children. If I hadn't been so flustered, I'd have got into the swing of things more and really appreciated the interactions taking place. I hope I get the opportunity to do this again.

Felt-making - iPad

Proggy Mat - iPad

Tissue paper glued to canvas - iPad
I did managed to take a fair few photographs and video clips. I also had time to cobbled together a preliminary "comic" on the iPad using Comic Life

Comic Life for iPad
Comic Life for iPad

At the end of the day, carers and children went into the corridor to see a display of their work and photographs of the day. The surprise at what they'd achieved took my mind off worrying about getting home and made me appreciate how lucky I was to be invited to work with such a gifted team of people.
Felts, proggy mats, tissue paper landscapes and wool-windings on display

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