Monday 19 November 2012

Death - A self-portrait

Another blog about our London trip. 
We went to the Wellcome Museum near St Pancras Railway Station to see this exhibition about Death. It was fascinating. 

Highlights for me were:-
    - the paintings of James Ensor
    - two Japanese paintings showing "frollicking skeletons"
    - a series of prints of War by Otto Dix from 1924.
    - a huge plasticine sculpture from an Argentinian collective, Mondongo
    - some fabulous carvings from around the world.

Mealtime in the trenches - Otto Dix

Skeletons warming themselves - James Ensor
The exhibition has only just opened and goes on until the 24th Feb 2013. If you're in the capital, give yourself a treat and go see it. The other parts of the museum are equally as fascinating and provide hundreds of talking points about the human body, the human condition and medicine.
The gift shop has some fun things and some very expensive jewellery.
PS Photography isn't allowed so these images are from the wonderful web.
PPS See also my blog about Dia de los Muertos.
PPS Apparently some people are now appointing executors to deal with their "virtual" legacy - tweets, blogs, emails etc.

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