Thursday 22 November 2012

Meat, Fish & Alternatives

This short blog leads on from my two on Healthy Living. 

Firstly, children seem to find it difficult to distinguish between the food "chemicals" and food groups we talk about. Teachers should pay particular attention to this and try their best to clarify the situation. 
This reminded me of confusion caused by a local organisation which provided free school support on Healthy Lifestyles. After they'd been into schools, pupils came to my sessions talking about "meat, fish and alternatives". They knew different meats and different fish but had no idea what "alternatives" were. Many believed the "alternatives" was an actual protein food!. There is a moral hear about using outside bodies - be wary and be prepared to challenge.

Similarly, in the last couple of days pupils have grouped "fat and sugar" together and had a different set called carbohydrates. They were unaware that sugars are carbohydrates and should be placed in that group. We need to be clear. I think fat and sugar were linked because they are "energy" foods or because they were foods you should limit your intake of.

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