Monday 5 November 2012

Ivor Cutler : Eccentric Educator

Ivor Cutler died in 2006. He was adored by many and his Daily Mirror obituary read:-
Silly poet? Yes, much of his work was strange but it had wide appeal. Children liked the nonsense, he appeared in the Beatles' bit of nonsense The Magical Mystery Tour, John Peel championed his work and Alan McGee (boss of Creation Records) wrote fondly of him. JP was where I first came across him with his readings from "Letters from a Scotch Sitting Room". He wrote a number of books which were illustrated by Helen Oxenbury and Martin Honeysett. 

His LPs for Virgin included :-

I even have a DVD which tells his story and shows him in concert. He taught at Summerhill under A.S. Neill. If this means nothing to you, have a quick look on Wikipedia. The heady days of the 60's.

Finally, if your a biologist like me, you've got to love someone who publishes a tiny little book of "stickers" called "Befriend a Bacterium".

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