Sunday 23 September 2012

More Songs about Parasites & Plague

I've haunted charity shops for years in search of books and CDs and teaching aids. I've now added trips to HMV shops as another essential part of my rounds. Why? They now have section of pre-owned CDs, almost all of which are priced at £2.

One of the CDs I picked up last week was by Eric Burdon and the Animals. Younger readers might not have heard of the original Animals, who came from Newcastle, and their lead singer, Eric Burdon, who went over to the States soon after their initial success. The double CD reissue consists of Winds of Change (1967) and The Twain Shall Meet (1968). On the latter is a track I discovered only this year called Sky Pilot. It's about an army chaplain in the Vietnam War. On the other CD is a really strange track, The Black Plague, about a great plague in medieval times. I want to try them out on an audience to see the reaction. Can't wait to do the Sixties and Tudors respectively!

As usual, other songs and links spring to mind that I'd like to incorporate in my teaching. I'll just mention one CD called Partisans & Parasites by Daniel Kahn & Painted Bird. I'll highlight two tracks, one is a really detailed and accurate account of Parasites (ideal for Biology lessons) and the other about a true plot by Jews to murder 6 Million Germans (aftermath of World War 2).

Just to keep right up-to-date, the new Bob Dylan CD has a really great song about the Titanic called Tempest (the title track).

There must be a website somewhere which ties "popular song" to the National Curriculum, mustn't there? I'm off to have a trawl.

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