Thursday 20 September 2012

Ancient Egyptains

I'm doing a day at Inspire2Learn on the Egyptians. It's nearly a year since I did the Egyptians last but what good memories it brings back. It was a privilege to work with staff and pupils. As a result of the warm memories and my involvement with their use of IT, I thought I'd outline some of what we did (the IT bit).

Pupils had available to them all of the following software:-

2Simple Collection
    2Animate - animated scenes and images for presentations
    Publish - postcards, leaflets, booklets
    Create-a-Story - retelling of stories (e.g. Cleopatra), explaining processes
          (e.g.mummification), information (e.g. Famous Egyptians)

    2D-i-Y - make games for their peers

Audacity - to record their own voices/sounds for presentations

Comic Life - to tell stories, present information

Photostory - video presentation of artefacts

PowerPoint - to present information but also to tie all of their work with other programmes and in non-IT areas together. (Smart could have been used similarly)

They even did green-screen video work.

I'm sure that these pupils would have had a ball using Kar2ouche at Inspire2Learn and being given an Immersive Room experience. 
For more details of what's available at Inspire2Learn please contact them directly.

Although I taught some of the software to pupils and supported them, I think my major role was making what they wanted to do as easy as possible. A major part of this was having a large bank of suitable resources readily available. This is an organisational headache and I have multiple copies of files all over the place to help the learning process. Themed resources for Egyptains included Everyday Life, Famous Egyptians, Fashion, Gods, Hieroglyphics, Mummies, Pyramids and The River Nile.

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