Monday 24 September 2012

ASE & Space

Tuesday evening is the AGM & Cheese & Wine Event of the NE Branch of the ASE. We are trying to recruit new members from the trainee teachers at Durham University on this occasion and I've been asked to do a little slot on Space and IT for them.
Whilst working at the City (now Civic) Learning Centre Eston, I was involved with the development of Space Days. The programme for these included an introductory lecture and the teaching of different bits of software to allow pupils to show their knowledge and understanding of the topic. The lecture was enhanced by having access to a large space (the auditorium) and the Magic Planet

The Magic Planet consists of a large hollow sphere onto which can be projected the Sun and all the planets of the Solar System. Used in the auditorium, it allowed the physical modelling (by pupils) of the motion of the planets, day/night, seasons, eclipses and phases of the Moon. A really useful and engaging resource. Inspire2Learn at the CLC has a Magic Planet that can be loaned by schools, which I would highly recommend.

Latterly, we also developed another highly thought of Space resource for the Immersive Room. The IR has three screens, six projectors and surround sound. The experience consists of taking pupils for an imaginary take-off, trip to the planets and return to Earth. During the experience, all manner of space-related issues can be raised. My favourite part involves a poem about living in Space and leads pupils into thinking about their survival when they can't carry all the water they will need on the voyage.

I hope to have time to show the trainees how the iPad can enhance their lessons and impact on their pupils. I'll do this with the Space theme and especially the augmented reality app Spacecraft 3D.

I also feel that the Space topic is a great place to introduce robots, e.g. Lego NXT, to children. The prominence of Curiosity on Mars in the news adds to this.

Finally, what software? 2Simple allows for everything from making a postcard or leaflet (2Publish) to making a flash file of The Solar System (2Create-a-Story). Simple games can be made with 2Do-it-Yourself. Comic Life is always popular with pupils and Photostory, although not looking great, does produce good results with quality resources. I feel the best way for pupils to show their knowledge and understanding is by producing a presentation, either PowerPoint or Smart Notebook, incorporating animations, flash files and videos (especially if made by themselves).
Can I recommend mind-mapping, again, as a great way to organise your thoughts?

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