Saturday 29 September 2012

Digital Sorytelling & Animation Resources

I came to digital storytelling as a result of seeing Jason Ohler at the CLC Manager's Conference in Newcastle a number of years ago. Watching a First Nation child narrate and act out her version of a traditional story to camera with her own drawings in the background was compelling. (Ohler is based in Canada.)

I tried to engage others in the potential of digital storytelling not only for the IT element but for the personal and literacy skills developed by children involved in such an enterprise. I've tried to revisit the idea but found it difficult to get it off the ground, probably because of the staffing such an enterprise needs. However, in a recent email was a link to resources for digital storytelling which has rekindled my interest.

The same site also has available a free download of their book Making Claymation in the Classroom.

If you're not up to Claymation, how about Brickmation? I've started to collect Lego from charity shops to create a bank of materials to used in animation. 

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