Thursday 27 September 2012

Kar2ouche, Traditional Tales, Support

Kar2ouche is expensive software and not many schools can afford it. My experiences with it over the past ten years have invariably been positive. Children love the visual aspect of it, the range of characters and props and the ability to rotate them through 360o. The added facilities of text boxes and speech and thought bubbles make it ideal for literacy purposes. The ability to save it in different ways, including as a video, is an added bonus.

Screenshot of pupil's work from last Friday

I used it last week, for the first time in a while, with Y3 from a local school at Inspire2Learn. When I made their videos, I was struck by the visual component of their work and how much I'd liked to have been able to follow this up through the literacy-side. 

Yesterday, I was talking to a literacy expert, Kar2ouche came up and Traditional Tales which I've spoken about before. This reminded me of some very good work that was done with a Kar2ouche module on Hansel & Gretel. I got involved at the time and did a version of the tale emphasising all the Science aspects (reflection, shadows, food etc). 

So, the purpose of today's blog is to highlight the possibility of using Kar2ouche (there are 50 modules*) and to offer to give some free support to schools that might have purchased it but feel they are not exploiting it to its full potential.

* Egyptians, Romans, Habitats, World War 1, French, Victorians, Tudors etc

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