Saturday 8 September 2012


Almost everyone loves animations. They go back a hundred years. Making an animation can address many teaching and learning areas in a fun way, exploiting IT. 
I've listed below some of the software that I've used or am about to evaluate. Some is free but most costs.

     - 2Simple 2Animate 
     - Adobe Photoshop 
     - Animation Shop
     - Digital Blue
     - Pivot Stick Figure (free)
     - PowerPoint 
     - Scratch (free)

     - I Can Animate 

iPod/iPad (Lite versions are usually limited but free)
     - I Can Animate 
     - Flip Boom Lite
     - Flip It Lite
     - Animation Lite
     - Animation HD
     - Stop Animator
     - Stop Motion

Android (sorry haven't explored apps yet)

Materials used in animation range from pencil and paper through plasticine to toy figures (e.g. Lego and Playmobil)

I'm only going to provide one link to an animation (which has had over 32 million hits) that you might not have seen:_

....and recommend you look out The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan and The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore as recent excellent examples.

Finally, if you'd like more depth, please feel free to email me.

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