Saturday 15 September 2012

Autumn - damp possibilities

I like the cold mornings and mild days we're having at the moment. Wish it would last. It's a time for getting out and popping Himalayan balsam pods. 

Never done it? Have a go. It's good for the child in us all.

Watch the video :

This is of course a lead into using autumn as a time to explore seed dispersal in plants.

Helicopters of sycamore, ash and maple. 
Spiralling lime seeds.
Poppy "salt cellars" 

Blackberries, rose hips, sloes
Goosegrass, burdock

SELF-DISERSAL (explosive)
Himalayan balsam

WATER (sorry, had to fit it in)

As usual, a book popped into my head when I was doing this. One of my favourite things to engage children is to talk about seeds and poo. Not only are the seeds spread, they also get a dollop of fertiliser into the bargain. The book is Poo by Davies & Layton. It's fun, informative and well illustrated, like their other books. Take some of the claims with a pinch of salt, it's the nature of writing such a book for children. For example, the smallest poo is not the bat, not even the midge larva poo my wife worked on at Newcastle University which required microscopy and micropipettes. What is? What do you think?

If you want to compare my blog with something quite different, then why not try my son's. It is much more thoughtful, literate and personal. It is all about music, something he and I have a shared passion (if not a share taste) for.

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