Friday 7 December 2012

Space, Magic Planet & Immersive Room

What a week. Freezing in the igloo, delivering a sense-ational lecture and finally, having all of Space as my remit. Wow! Does life get any better than this?

Today I used the Magic Planet at Inspire 2 Learn to help revise with a Middlesbrough school. They have just finished their Space topic and had the opportunity to show me what they'd learned and to ask me questions. I loved the questions and struggled to answer some of them, being a biologist. 
Their imaginations were engaged by the Immersive Room with its screens of shuttles taking off, planetary data, hair being cut, poetry, music and jokes.
They also learned how to use Comic Life software and started putting together their own tours of the Solar System.
My favourite image of the Sun 
I think I was over tired from the previous four days which earned the following comments on pupil evaluation sheets:-
"You are crazy and fun"
"You were a great host but crazy. I learned a lot"
"You are MINT!"
Thanks children I will sleep well tonight.

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