Sunday 2 December 2012

Pee and Poo - some noteworthy books

I taught Healthy Living a couple of weeks ago and it is always fun to talk to children about pee and poo. I don't do this lightly, seeking to start to overcome their natural reticence to talk about intimate body parts and functions. I can't stress how important I think it is for young children to understand how their body is built and how it works. 
Walker Books (2007) ISBN  978-1-4063-0095-6
When I was in Sunderland (see prev blog), the students were very keen to teach general heath issues from a basis of good knowledge and with sensitivity to children's feelings. One group took "nits" at their themes and listening to them prepare their talk was very interesting and informative. This reference above is specially for them but links nicely with Pee and Poo as it is by the same author and illustrator as Poo - A natural history of the unmentionable.
Walker Books (2004) ISBN 0-7445-8634-8

I actually have a book review of this from the TES Teacher which says "This book has child appeal by the bucketful..". I'd agree with that though I'd query the maker of the smallest poo (nit-picking again).
Here are some other tasty texts:-

Etram Books (Australia) (2003) ISBN 0-958-18780-0

Did you know that poo in Australia is refered to as Goobies?

No details at the moment, can't find the book.
Roman toilets from the book Spending A Penny (details to add)

Children like this Disgusting Digestion book because it has "fart" stickers.

Detail to add
Grossology has a textured vomit cover. I enjoyed it but wasn't taken as much by the follow up Animal Grossology (Price Stern Sloan Books (1996) ISBN 0-8431-1011-2)
Finally, a lift-the-flap book with a magnifying glass about Fleas.

Tango Books (1996) ISBN 1-85707-173-5

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