Saturday 15 December 2012


I'm going in to talk to some staff about the Ancient Egyptians this afternoon. Besides all the usual stuff, I'll mention a book on Cleopatra that the children love because of the kissing (UGH!) and blood (YEAH!). It is the one below written and ilustrated by Polly Dunbar

Children's books for teaching about Cleopatra include:-
Cleopatra by P. Dunbar. Scholastic Books
Cleopatra by H. Middleton. Oxford (1997) ISBN 0-19-910193-0
Cleopatra by A. Geras. Kingfisher (2007) ISBN 978 0 7534 1359 3

She is also given a spread in "People who made history in Ancient Egypt" by J. Shuter (2000) Hodder Wayland ISBN 07502 2604 8

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