Thursday 6 December 2012

Sense-ational Science Christmas Lecture

Today (Thursday) was the day of my Christmas Science Lecture. It was not the all-singing, dancing and whistle-blowing event I'd envisaged 6 months ago but, hopefully, it engaged and challenged a few young minds in the audience.
The basic idea was to question the commonly taught idea that we have 5 senses. I don't know exactly how many we have, because it depends upon definition, but it is definitely NOT 5. Good scientist question things and seek PROOF!

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The slideshow above gives a flavour of the lecture though some slides might be misunderstood without the accompanying chat.
What a brilliant day! These children were wonderful - polite, interested and up for the event. After sitting through the lecture, devouring my tin of Roses, singing along to the Skin song and deciding on at least 13 senses, they did four workshops. They looked at animation (fooling the eyes), why we have two eyes and two ears and used video microscopes. The fourth workshop involved them, exploring a whole host of exhibits from periscopes to zoetropes.
Thanks to all the staff who supported the event and made it such a success (despite the weather).

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