Wednesday 12 December 2012

Space - in school

Normally, I do Space at the Civic & Learning Centre Eston with their fantastic resources. Today I took one of those resources, the Magic Planet, into school. I was a bit apprehensive because of timing and computer issues that might have arisen.
The children (and staff) were fantastic. They joined in, asked and answered questions. They managed to sit on the hard wooden floor for an age while I talked. Well done, children.

Example of Comic Life page on Space

The IT suffered a minor hiccup when the children had to suffer logos printed across their Comic Life work. However, they almost universally said how much they loved using Comic Life. Similarly, they really enjoyed seeing the Magic Planet.
Their evaluations made me smile and one was especially pleasing - 
"I think todays lesson was great and fun. I especially liked the magic planet and the fact that there was no work! Thank you"

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