Sunday 9 December 2012

Education and Evolution

I've just seen an article called "Education & Evolution" in the latest edition of the Biologist 59 (5) : 13  and it got me thinking. I've just done my Science lecture and thought I'd not want to repeat the experience, however, I'm in the process of changing my mind.
During lunch on the day of my lecture, I had the most remarkable conversation with a young girl (about 10). She initiated a chat about being a Catholic but not believing in God. She was so lucid and seemed to have thought quite deeply about the issues that I wanted to talk further and wanted to give her Richard Dawkin's "Letter to Juliet" to read.
When I did Space on Friday, a young lad asked me if I thought that, after our Sun went supernova and destroyed the Earth, God would recreate the Earth and  populate it with all the people in Heaven. I don't think I handled that conversation as well as the previous one.
The upshot of these three events is that I'd like to give another Science lecture to primary children on Evolution. Most people I talk to want to shy away from the issues but, as one of my hero's is Thomas Henry Huxley who took evolution to the masses in Victorian London, I'm feeling up for the challenge.
Anyone up for it with me?

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