Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Three Blind Men and the Elephant

I'm preparing a Christmas Science Lecture and came across the following traditional Indian tale:-

Three blind men were asked to describe an elephant.
"It is a big, fat snake" said the first.
"It is four thick pillars, like tree trunks," said the second.
"It is long and thin, like a piece of string," said the third.
Which one was right? 

I have this tale an an illustrated book:-

Holding image - still can't find the book

and as a song by the wonderful Natalie Merchant. She used the poem by John Godfrey Saxe, The Blindmen and the Elephant, based on this Indian parable.
Nonesuch records (2010)

I'd like to have incorporated the story and a subsequent discussion into my lecture but time constraints prevent it. Maybe you could use one or all of these resources.

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