Thursday 18 October 2012

Evaporation & more - Lanzarote 3

Lanzarote was warm - 25-30oC. This meant that the rock pools high up on the shore were often full of salt crystals. A salt-extraction industry exists on the island and the product highly prized and priced. We take for granted having salt at hand but investigating its role in history is fascinating. Anyone know a definite book? 
iPad Salt in rock pool
I also spent a lot of time picking up small green olivine crystals that had eroded out of the volcanic rocks. Simple pleasures.

Two other science things popped into my head on holiday. Firstly, my wife bought some Minstrels which "melt in the mouth but not in the hand". This led to my usual rant about helping children to understand the difference between melting and dissolving. 
The second involved my wife's preference for tea over coffee, and often "funny" teas. There used to be an advert which said "watch the flavour flood out". Sorry, with some of her teas you'd not expect much flavour as the liquid is almost colourless but you'd be surprised. Colour is not a taste. 
We're into senses now and as I'm still struggling over my Christmas Lecture on the Senses and getting the delivery right.
Have you got some favourite adverts that don't stand up to scrutiny?

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