Friday 26 October 2012

Barbie : a material girl

Alligator Books (2001)  ISBN 1-84239-134-8

What am I doing with Barbie? Well, I bought a magnetic Barbie book determined to use it for teaching Science. This is the result.

Before using the magnetic pieces

Magnetic pieces added

Barbie is a material girl. Material in it's wider sense. She has possessions beyond clothing. So I arranged the magnetic objects on the pages and scanned them. Then I put them together in Comic Life and added speech bubbles and text - just like I'd want the pupils to. 
Where are the made and natural materials? 
Where do we get steel, plastic, wool, silk, leather etc from?
Here's the front page of the comic. It's not that good as it's rushed but the idea was interesting, I thought.

I'm sure I've got more magnetic books somewhere - probably in the shed at the bottom of the garden.

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