Friday 5 October 2012


The post about animation seemed to get a few more hits than normal so I thought I'd mention "scanimation".

Good link:-

Rufus Butler Seder has produced a number of "scanimation" picture books and  a recent posting on Planet Science provided a link to a free download of resources from an author. Apologies, I am still trying to find the link but a quick internet search should find other examples or email me for the images.

Master sheet

These resources are meant to be printed on to acetate sheets and when the master sheet is dragged over the examples, they become animated. However, as I want to show a class of pupils this effect, I've made a working PowerPoint presentation. In order to do this, I removed the white background colour in Photoshop and made each image into a .gif. I then imported the example images onto separate slides in PowerPoint. The master sheet was then added to each slide. By adding custom animation "lines" to the master sheet, I produce the same effect as with two acetate sheets. The animation settings need to be set to slow or very slow and to auto-reverse. (Contact me for help).

Example 2 - Cat moving gif
Example 2 - Cat moving jpg

1 comment:

  1. There is this open source software animbar ( that lets you create your own 'Scanimation'-like animations easily.
