Tuesday 28 August 2012

AB's Newsletter

After a year, I've decided to discontinue my newsletter and concentrate on this blog instead. Although the newsletter was bright and cheerful, it did not lead to many enquiries from schools. Schools have their own schemes and priorities and I need to address this. The final newsletter will go out at the weekend.
I thought I'd drop in an image of the NAACE Key Stage 1 & 2 ICT Framework without comment.

I've been exploring Lego Mindstorms over the summer, not for construction, but programming and data-logging. It taxes this old brain and finances. I already offer Data Harvest data-logging which, despite being enjoyed by pupils, never seems to really take off and become integrated into schemes of work. Finally, I am enjoying the challenge of Scratch programming which I'm sure primary children will have little problems getting to grips with.

Please feel free to contact me if anything piques your interest. 

I still offer free in-school consultation visits.   

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