Thursday 15 January 2015

YEAR 6 : EVOLUTION - Lesson 1

My photo - Darwin Doll
The Plan

"What do you know about the Universe & Life?"
General chat. 
Try to bring in Brian Cox as a populariser of Science.
Creation myths show the human fascination for our origins and the origins of everything but also the amazing scope for creativity and imagination which we have. Indeed, stress that scientists must be imaginative and creative to be able to understand and to try to explain these questions.

Activity 1 : Watch a video of the Navajo* creation myth.
                   Discuss and constructively criticise it.

Activity 2 : Retell the Navajo creation myth using software of choice
                      Comic Life
   (Pupils will be given a range of screenshots from the video to use in their

Activity 3 : Timelines (choice here)
                      Construct a timeline for a creation myth.
                      Watch the "How 2" video of Earth's timeline
                      Construct a "toilet-roll" timeline of:-
                          The Universe
                          The Earth
                          Life on Earth
                   Flash timelines are also available for the children to access.

Plenary : What we've done and where we're going next - Classification and

Homework : My Family's timeline or an "Events Timeline of my Life".

The Reality 
Well done Year 6.
Loved every second of the afternoon. As usual IT raised its ugly head but, despite not getting out my toilet rolls, we achieved a lot. Some great retelling of the myth.
First time ever I was tweeted in a photograph.
Exciting Science @BaderPrimary Evolution & Inheritance with Y6 and
 Roll on next week 
* Brain Cox : The Origins of the Universe, Solar System, Life
** I chose this as a personal favourite. Other myths are available on You Tube or you could access the Big Myths website. They have also created an app but it costs.

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