Sunday 21 July 2013

Eisner's "The Plot"

I picked up a copy of "The Plot" by Will Eisner based solely on his reputation  and a couple of his graphic novels that I've enjoyed in the past. 

Will Eisner - The Plot (2005) Norton Books ISBN-13: 978-0-393-32860-8
This isn't a graphic novel. This is graphic fact. Here is an important insight into (in)humanity.
Why isn't this used to teach about History in school? 
Why have I never heard of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
Want to know more? Then a little research is in order.
It had quite an impact on me, akin to Maus by Art Spiegelman and Alice in Sunderland by Bryan Talbot.

I came to the book after having, once again, asked Science teachers "How many senses do you have?" and getting the usual answer "5".
Q. : "Why that number?"
A. : "That's what we were taught and we believed our teachers." 
Maybe it should be compulsory for all teachers to read Dawkins' "Letter to my daughter Juliet".

Education is supposed to be rearing future generations of critical, clear thinking adults. Education needs critical, clear thinking teachers and a thoughtfully constructed curriculum to develop the adults who are going to have to come to terms with the future. Any chance?

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