Friday 25 January 2013

Richard Haring - Children's Art

I caught a documentary on Richard Haring on Sky  Arts last summer. I was flicking through the channels and this stopped me. I knew the images but not the man. In fact, I think I thought the art was a movement not an individual. It was fascinating viewing.

I then picked up a book on Art for Baby* with an images of his on the cover. I didn't have an avenue for using it. Yesterday, I picked up "I wish I didn't have to sleep!"**, the first in a series of Adventures in Art books for children. I'm now looking more actively to use his work in some way.

Cover Image from "I wish I didn't have to sleep"

Like many people, I find it difficult to explain why I like certain pieces of art, they just appeal on an emotional level. So, if you're interested in contemporary art and don't know the name, why not explore his world?

* Art for Baby (2000) Templar Publishing ISBN 978-1-84011-999-2
** Keith Haring : I wish I didn't have to sleep (1997)  Prestel Books ISBN 3-7913-1815-2

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