Wednesday 23 January 2013

London & the British Museum

We went down to visit our son in London at the weekend. We braved the warnings of snow and freezing conditions. Basically, we went down to drop off the Christmas presents he couldn't carry. We bought our usual batch of CDs, DVDs and books. I was really pleased to get a CD by Daniel Kahn & Painted Bird.

Outside the British Museum

Main Hall of the British Museum
On the Sunday, we went to the British Museum. I was itching to go after reading Prof Munakata's British Museum Adventure and Scorpia Rising (see previous blogs). We were going to the Egyptian gallery but got distracted by the Themes room and marvelled at everything from a brass orrery from the 16th Century that stopped at Saturn to the obsidian mirror of John Dee.

An orrery

Wow. A Lego orrery encountered on line
I thought of all the children that never get chance to experience these artefacts and so much more. How can we put this right, especially in the current economic climate?

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