Monday 5 August 2013

Scratch INSET

I'm not an organiser but a doer. However, sometimes, I should be more proactive and I've just surprised myself by putting together an outline for some teacher INSET on Scratch.

Primary schools need to be looking at the introduction of programming for the 2014-15 academic year. Many teachers that I've spoken to are daunted by yet another skill to develop and use to support their pupils. I'd be daunted too.
As I have more time to think about and organise my thoughts than classroom teachers, I've put together a half-day INSET programme which will hopefully give them confidence and a start on addressing these needs. 

Draft poster for Scratch INSET
I hope we'll be able to form a self-help group with regular Scratch-Meets (like the very popular Teach-Meets). I also hope to follow it up with a further half day looking at Scratch and Lego WeDo.

I knew nothing about the Scratch conference in Barcelona in July. The online info makes it look really interesting. One thing I did pick up on, which is very dear to my heart, was the repeated call for resources to use in Scratch programming. Over the years, I've collected a vast bank of audio, images and video to support my work with children. Some organisations have tried to do the same for teachers e.g. National Education Network but wouldn't it be brilliant if there was a one-stop resource shop for the world's schools of copyright free materials to use.

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