As my scientific background was mostly in ecology, I really look forward to doing any topic that involves habitats and living things. When I was recently asked by a school about Habitats, I had just been evaluating Simple Minds for the iPad. Being an app, it has far fewer features that Inspiration or Openmind but still proved to be a useful tool. Here's a screenshot:-
and another of just one section.
This shows how pupils can use IT to present their work. Practical work could also encompass field work using digital cameras for photos and videos, as well as video-microscopes. I haven't worked out what data-logging could be done but have a vague idea about investigating streamlining.
It will be a great starting-off point when I talk to the staff this week.
If you're not up on mind-mapping, it can be a tremendous help in organising your thoughts on anything. I remember using it to help my GCSE Science students a number of years ago and for myself, when applying for Head of Science posts. I recently picked up a cheap copy of Mind Maps for Kids by Tony Buzan (the guru). I still much prefer coloured pencils and paper but have found software version very useful.
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